Light Anchor Alchemy

* healing * activation * transformation * love *

Welcome to Light Anchor Alchemy, a space for creativity, joy, inspiration, resources, community, and support for personal transformation. Alchemy of the heart opens the portal to our true soul remembrance and connection with our divine nature. This opening is how we welcome and anchor in the light of change to birth a New Earth.

When we remember and embody the wholeness of our authentic soul expression in this way and begin to live from that frequency, we in essence anchor the light of our multidimensional consciousness into the here and now, and then step into the service of humanity and the planetary shift from surviving, to healing, to thriving.

There are many tools to help support the body and self through this process, including energy healing, sound healing, and crystal frequencies to clear and balance the energy centers. As we awaken, we naturally begin to employ practices to connect to ourselves and do the subconscious healing work, including deep inner visualization and ritual to connect with the heart and higher wisdom, art therapy practices to balance the brain, somatic movement to move stuck energy in the body, yoga, meditation, and exercises to hone our growing intuition. Self-care and nervous system regulation are key throughout the process of healing as well, including nutrition, rest, hydration, connecting with nature, play and exercise.

Sometimes it can be helpful to have support along the journey from those who have gone before. I am here to be of service to you in your unique healing and awakening process – or as I like to put it, your “journey to the heart of YOU”.

It is this journey of healing the heart and remembering who we are in the present moment that connects us all, heals the planet, and brings forth the frequency of unconditional love. Thank you for being here.

Welcome to the New Earth; it begins with YOU.

You are the medicine.

It’s time to remember who you are.

And fall in love with the true YOU.

This is how we can truly and richly love others, our lives, our planet – and be the change we wish to see in the world.

You are ready.

Photo of Palace of the Circus




SHIne your light.

become love.

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